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Elon Musk: Earth is experiencing population collapse SpaceX could take humans to Mars to "save civilization"

by Tesla Color on July 16, 2021

Elon Musk  believes that the Earth is experiencing a "demographic collapse" and that humanity needs more people and SpaceX, a space exploration technology company, to bring them to Mars to "save civilization.

As we all know, SpaceX is pushing forward with plans for an interplanetary spacecraft that will send humans to colonize Mars and enable space tourism. Now, however, the company clearly has a higher goal. With this project, SpaceX is not only showcasing Elon Musk's brilliant space concept and vision, but is also aiming to save humanity from near extinction.

In recent tweets, Elon Musk spoke of taking care of current and future generations as part of his goal to "set a good example" as he looks to the future. He believes the world is experiencing a "demographic collapse," one of the biggest problems facing the planet today, as fewer and fewer children are being born.

In the tweet, Elon Musk held his youngest child, X Æ A-Xii, and said the planet is facing a "population collapse" that many people don't know about. I'm trying to set a good example," he wrote. Population collapse is a much bigger problem than people realize. Colonizing Mars is very much needed and would require many people, as the population there is currently zero. Humans are the guardians of other life on Earth, so let's bring life to Mars!"

Elon Musk said that a "population collapse" is approaching us because civilization could be destroyed with a "bang" or a "whimper," the latter of which is the most likely scenario. The latter is the most likely scenario. He believes that the current generation of women has a very low fertility rate, and the population is aging for you to get worse. Musk believes that this is a very scary thing, because the elderly will die, but no children or offspring continue to reproduce.

Elon Musk has always wanted to bring humans to Mars and start a Martian civilization, but he has not mentioned the term "population collapse" before. spaceX will be the centerpiece of Musk's ambition, with interstellar spacecraft and super-heavy rocket boosters playing the role of "Noah's ark The role of "Noah's Ark" to help future generations of humans to live on Mars.

Elon Musk believes that Mars needs more humans, and that the way to save humanity is to make it a multi-planetary species. Humans will have to continue to thrive on their home planet, but also to expand on the neighboring Red Planet